Welcome to True Balance Energy Center Page!
Joane Patrick’s health and self developing practices offers you tools to help bring yourself into a better state of homeostasis. It is the imbalances in life that cause stress and disease. These practices help to reduce stress, better aligns the body, oxygenates, centers, balances, relaxes, informs, heals, renews and strengthens your connection to your Body, Mind, Breath (Spirit) and the Universal Life Force Energy.
We do practices to become better grounded and feel better connections. Feel more vibrant and energized, yet light and spacious. With better alignment of structure, focus, intention, relaxation, energy awareness, integration and we transform our selves to be the best we can be. We Increase/develop energy awarenesses.. internal and external, spacial, environmental, etc.
These simple, yet profound practices are relaxing and yet so empowering. To the onlooker they seem far too simple, yet with proper application and consistency of practice, they can assist in transforming ourselves into better balanced beings. Our hectic changing times call for us to become more grounded and stabilize ourselves. Learn to abide in your center. cultivate abilities to better deal with the chaos in the world.
Let’s become more empowered to be playful, create body art, feel, celebrate, move and dance together with and bathe in the Universal Life Force Energy. Flow….. remind yourself of your connection to your being, mother earth, the elements, the heaven….the Divine.
We transform our negative emotions, with ancient sounds, into virtues, and better balance our being. We begin to consciously move in the direction of developing and realizing our higher potential. Let’s evolve together and create healthy, happy, helpful humans.
Celebrate and bring in the New Earth energies of harmony, peace, and love.
Everything is energy. We bathe in, and are, an ocean of highly charged energy. It is within us, and around us, we are not separate. We are this energy… we can relax and sink into it, bathe in pure consciousness (empty mind), we can soak up the energy, we can learn to focus the mind, “where the mind goes, the Chi follows”, when we focus inside and/or outside different parts of the body, we can begin to create a better connection of communication and understanding between ourselves and our body, the energy, your mind and Spirit. We Learn to relax or engage, the muscles and tissues of the body, harness, hold space or set the FLOW free, we can bring stillness, we listen/tune in. We can learn methods that assist us to work with our own energy.

Come and experience this integrated approach with both ancient and modern science based truths and self help applications.
Private and Group, Training Sessions, Workshops, Demos, Retreats. (In person and on line.)
Wellness Qigong – Nei Gong, Spiritual, Medical and Martial (Bagua, Tai Chi)
Vibrational and Sound Therapy
Self Massage and Acupressure
National Association Sport Medicine (NASM) Personal Physical Fitness Training, Corrective Exercises, Plyometrics
Pilates, Pilates Reformer, Pilates for Athletes and Better Sports Performance
GTS Gravity Pilates and Strength
Ma Kali Yoga, Groovy Meditations, Chakra Balancing Practices

Remember to be a loving, healthy, happy helpful human.
Become a conscious creator. Cause and Effect.
Empower yourself to be the best you can be. The I am.
Let’s start today.
Send us an email or text.
Peace, Harmony, Love